How to Choose the Best Flat Iron for You


To choose a flat iron (melhores chapinhas), you need to have some criteria defined. First, look at your budget, if you don’t have that much money, it’s best to opt for a ceramic plank, if you have more money and are looking for something more professional, try to grab a Titanium or Tourmaline board. Now, check out the main criteria that need to be taken into consideration when choosing your new flat iron.

Type: Ceramics, Titanium, or Tourmaline?

When we take a flat iron, we should keep an eye on the material of the plate; after all, it is the part that will come into contact with your hair. A quality plate better distributes heat and helps protect your hair strands and makes the straightening process much faster.

Ceramic plates are softer when pulling the strands of your hair; the advantage is that it reduces the damage caused by sliding with the flat iron. Another positive point of ceramic plates is their prices; they are much more affordable than Titanium or Tourmaline flat iron.

Titanium and Tourmaline are two trade names for flat iron technologies whose main objective is to enhance the emission of negative ions, so that the cuticles of your strands are closed, maintaining the hydration and shine of your hair. These models, although more expensive, are quite suitable for those who want to protect the hair and avoid damage, especially if the person has already done chemical procedures.

Negative Ions

With technology that stimulates negative ions are preferred by professionals because the negative ion has several benefits for hair strands.

Negative ions are atoms that help close the cuticles of the wires. When the strand is closed, it becomes much less likely to become dry, broken, or frizz, as the closed wire can maintain the hydration and nutrients needed to protect the hair.

Board Temperature in Degrees Celsius

Temperature is something you need to keep an eye on before buying your new plank, as a very low temperature may not have the desired effect, while a very high temperature can damage the strands of your hair.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that a flat iron usually transfers less temperature than the advertised value. For example, an announced flat iron with 200 degrees can transfer a smaller amount than advertised, type 170 degrees. So always take a flat iron with a slightly higher temperature.

For a person looking to do homemade straightening, a board needs to be between 160 and 180 degrees Celsius, at most about 200 degrees Celsius, which is a generous value for you to give 1 to 3 pulls for each stir.

If you have done chemical procedures, such as discoloration or painting, try to use them in a smaller temperature, around 130 degrees Cesius.

A professional, who will perform permanent procedures such as progressive, for example, can opt for a version with a higher temperature.

The newer models of hats have regulators and panels to see the current temperature of the flat iron. If possible, choose such a model for added security.

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