What Is Psoriasis And How To Deal With It?


About 2{06ea24fe2ba415d6859e62a205d33bde11a184cf730fa7b8cecc8bfce17ace56} of people in the United Kingdom are battling with psoriasis. It is a skin condition characterized by red, flaky, and crusty skin patches covered with scales, which are often silvery in color. These patches can get itchy and sore. Psoriasis can affect people of any age. In most cases, it begins to start in adults under 35 years old. The severity varies from one person to another. However, it is a chronic condition that could flare up at any time. There are times when symptoms are not there or can be there but only mild. However, there are also times when the symptoms are severe and could surely affect the quality of life.

Psoriasis is believed to be an autoimmune disease. Those who have it have increased the production of skin cells. Ideally, old skin cells are replaced by the new ones every three to four weeks. However, in people with psoriasis, the process takes less than seven days, which results in the build-up of skin cells or patches. The immune system is said to be the culprit for such a condition.

The immune system is the body’s natural defense against infection. However, in the case of psoriasis and other autoimmune conditions, the immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. The symptoms start to appear and get worsen when exposed to triggering factors such as having an infection of the throat, injury to the skin, and the use of certain drugs, to name a few. Fortunately, psoriasis is not contagious. It might look gross but it won’t spread from person to person.

How to treat psoriasis?

Up to this day, there is no specific cure for psoriasis. However, it does not necessarily mean that there is no hope for people who have it. Once you have psoriasis you will have it for the rest of your life and you get to learn to live with it. While there is no specific treatment for psoriasis, there are ways to significantly improve the condition. There are skincare products that aim to improve the symptoms and appearance of skin patches.

The skincare company Medovie has been developing products that aim to improve the symptoms of psoriasis. In 2010, it developed the 3HX formula, which is a combination of botanic extracts. These are three herbs carefully chosen and underwent rigorous studies to create a potent formula. Such a formula has shown to produce great results.

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Keys to selecting products for psoriasis

There are many available products out there specially formulated for psoriasis. However, you have to be wary as not all people with psoriasis work well with those products. In fact, some can develop a sensitivity reaction, which makes the condition worse. The best product for psoriasis is the one made from all-natural ingredients (organic). Do thorough research to increase your chances of finding the best product. Ensure that the product has undergone preclinical and clinical studies. Always keep in mind that the aim of such products is to significantly reduce the symptoms and reduce the possibility of flare-ups.

The importance of using only organic products for psoriasis

When dealing with psoriasis, it is important to be mindful of the product you use to manage the condition. There are prescription products but most of them contain too strong ingredients; not to mention, they are quite expensive too. It is recommended to go for purely organic products for psoriasis as they are less expensive and gentle to sensitive skin.

If you have been battling with psoriasis, the National Psoriasis Foundation strongly suggests that you should not self-medicate. It is best if you are going to talk with your healthcare provider to determine the best course of action. It is also important to remember that psoriasis may mimic other conditions. Hence, it is a must to consult your doctor to have your condition accurately diagnosed.

With an early and proper diagnosis, psoriasis can be controlled. The flare-up can be prevented as the triggering factors can be discovered at an early stage. With these measures, the integrity of the skin will be restored. Redness and itching can be kept to minimal. Specially formulated organic products for psoriasis help restore the normal balance of the skin, specifically the skin growth factor. Keeping the skin moisturized is also another key to preventing the drastic effect of psoriasis. The bottom line, when dealing with psoriasis, does not use any harsh products as they may cause more harm than good. Always stick with organic products as they are formulated to match the skin’s pH. They are gentle on the skin and gentle on your pocket too.

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