Greater Choices for the Great Choices in IVF


Much infertility is resolved through medical treatment. The most important thing is to determine the cause of this difficulty in conceiving a baby. There can be Malformation of the uterus, hormonal dysfunction. Here are some blocking elements on the side of women. From the top fertility specialist, you can have the best deals now.

To better understand female infertility

It is known, fertility declines over the age. If she is at the top for around 25 years, she decreases sharply after 35 years.

Age, an enemy of fertility

According to INED, at 30, a woman has a 75{06ea24fe2ba415d6859e62a205d33bde11a184cf730fa7b8cecc8bfce17ace56} chance of getting pregnant in 12 months; at age 35, 66{06ea24fe2ba415d6859e62a205d33bde11a184cf730fa7b8cecc8bfce17ace56} chance; at 40, 44{06ea24fe2ba415d6859e62a205d33bde11a184cf730fa7b8cecc8bfce17ace56} of chances. A percentage is further reduced beyond 40 years. Miscarriages, as well as the risk of fetal abnormality, also increase with age.

  • Time is, therefore, a real enemy of fertility. The follicular phase decreases, the eggs are fewer and of less good quality. The stock provided at birth (about 400,000) is running out.
  • Similarly, the hormonal production of progesterone and estrogen, essential for pregnancy, drastically decreases, preventing the proper functioning of the reproductive system.

The uterus may have a disease or abnormality

The uterus plays a vital role in a pregnancy. It is the organ in which the future baby develops for nine months. It has a muscle (the myometrium) and a mucous membrane (the endometrium) that change with each cycle to accommodate the embryo.

We talk about infertility due to the uterus when it is absent or malformed. The mucosa may be too thin or hostile, and the uterus may have abnormalities: absent, too small, poorly formed, polyp. In some cases, except in the complete absence of uterus, your gynecologist may suggest an operation before a pregnancy project. To get the help getting pregnant this is one very important deal now.

On the other hand, there may be what is called endometriosis with an abnormal presence of the endometrium on other organs (ovaries for example). This is a common disease that affects 10{06ea24fe2ba415d6859e62a205d33bde11a184cf730fa7b8cecc8bfce17ace56} of women and disrupts ovulation. A complete assessment of infertility makes it possible to determine the most appropriate treatment for each woman (surgery, IVF).

An abnormality of the cervical mucus, cause of sterility

This transparent fluid secreted at the level of the cervix plays an important role in fertilization. It helps the sperm reach the egg just before ovulation.

Cervical mucus causes sterility if it is absent or insufficient. This is a hormonal problem with a lack of estrogen (or because of the Distilbene syndrome that affects women who have been in “in utero” contact with this drug). It can also be hostile by spreading antibodies against spermatozoa.

The effectiveness of the cervical mucus is evaluated during the Huhner test:

It must be performed within 6 to 12 hours after intercourse. Depending on the result, a treatment to improve the quality of the mucus can be offered to the woman.

Ovulation does not occur normally

Fertility disorders are often linked to ovulation problems. First, the ovaries can malfunction and there is no ovulation.

The presence of cysts on the ovaries can also be a cause of infertility discovered during the infertility assessment. They are of two kinds: functional cysts that are the result of ovulatory dysfunction. They disappear under the effect of a hormonal treatment and organic cysts that may require surgery.

It can also be a problem in the fallopian tubes that carry the egg from the ovary to the uterus. Sperm should be inserted to fertilize the egg. But the tubes can be blocked because of a past infection, ignored ( salpingitis ), or be completely absent, which blocks the egg-sperm meeting. This is called tubal sterility.

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