What to do about Bad Cosmetic Dental Work – Correcting Mistakes


Shoddy or bad dental work is more common than you would think. Most dentists are honest, however, some may not tell you the truth, so it is important to be skeptical and do your homework prior to committing to any procedure. If you’re not comfortable in the consultation, it’s almost guaranteed that you will not be comfortable during and after the treatment. If, after the procedure, you find that the work was not good, there are steps you can take to get it corrected.

Before hiring a lawyer, here is a checklist of problems to look for in your mouth. Overhanging restorations can easily trap food enabling the growth of bad breath bacteria. Crown leakage occurs with the use of too much cement and could cause a serious complication. If you notice something unusual find another dentist and have him or she checks out the work to determine if there is a need to get bad dental work repaired. Incomplete scaling results in food particles getting trapped around your gums, leading to gum disease and bad breath. Loose-fitting dentures can result from weight loss or weight gain, aging or bad dental work. If your dentures don’t fit, give the dentist a chance to repair his work and make them fit properly.

If you find yourself in need of opinion from another cosmetic dentist, ask the second dentist for a copy of the x-ray to show the first dentist. One way to handle the situation is to send the x-ray and a letter requesting your money back and seeing what happens. It may be an honest mistake and the dentist will correct his error, free of charge. However, there are other options if he or she chooses not to respond to your request for a refund.

Before hiring an attorney contact the dentistry board in your state. The governing board may have mediation programs in place for handling complaints against their member dentists. The situation may even be handled by way of a letter from the governing board to the offending dentist. If this is not the case then there is the possibility of seeking redress in small claims court. In order to win in small claims court, you have to prove that the first dentist failed to meet your standards or failed to use ordinary professional skills in performing their job. You are alleging dental malpractice at this point.

However, unless the dentist’s failure was very obvious and outside the bounds of common professionalism, chances are that you won’t prove your case. Getting the second dentist who confirmed the bad dental work to testify in your behalf will go a long way in helping you win your claim. While it may seem like an easy request, bear in mind that most dentists know each other and belong to the same clubs and organizations. It might be very difficult to convince one to testify against the other in person in court.

Interested in veneers, whitening, or dental implants? An experienced cosmetic dentist can help you determine which dental treatments will improve your smile.

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